From flat to fresh for $300.

So, have you ever driven up your driveway after work and thought "Blah" but don't really have the budget right now to revamp your landscaping and you don't get along well with plants?  I have 5 steps to improve your curb appeal and give you a more updated feel for under $300! 

This is a cost-effective way to add punch and character to any house.  Your first reaction may be to pick your favourite colour but there are a few things to consider when selecting that perfect hue. Check out this article for some good tips, "The Do's and Dont's of Choosing Front Door Colors".   Hardware Store $40

2) UPDATE YOUR HOUSE NUMBER.  Nothing says "blah" like those rusty old, weathered house numbers above your mailbox.  Many great options will instantly update the look; try simple oversized numbers, numbers in word format, or if you prefer something more creative and personalized checkout sources like Etsy online.  Hardware Store $30

3) MULCH, MULCH, MULCH.   If you have ugly flower beds that have turned into dried-up dirt beds because you do not have a green thumb then maintenance-free ground cover is the way to go. If you go to a large garden centre you can usually find a variety of sizes and colours to meet your needs and coordinate nicely with the rest of your colour scheme.  Just remember, lay down a ground sheet first or you will regret it when you're pulling weeds from your beautiful mulched areas!!  Garden Centre $100

4) POTTED SHRUBS:  Even if you don't have a green thumb potted drought-tolerant shrubs are a great way to add layered height to an otherwise flat & empty space.  The nice thing about having them in pots is that they are quick and easy to water and if you are going away for a while you can collect them in a shadier area and make it easier for a friend to pop by and water them.  You can pick up basic pots at your local garden store or repurpose something you love that isn't even a flower pot (leave the shrubs in the planter they came in and pop them in your repurposed planter). The bonus is, that at the end of the season, you can always plant them in the ground if you are feeling adventurous. TIP:  Buy pots complementary to your freshly painted door for a thought-out cohesive feel.  Garden Centre: $100

5) WATER IS FOR MORE THAN DRINKING!  Okay, this one is the easiest of them all - love your grass!  Watering your grass a couple of times a week and cutting it regularly will change the whole feel of your property. Everyone envies that neighbour with the lush green grass that begs you to walk on it with bare feet!  

So there you have it 5 Fool Proof, Budget Friendly and Super Simple Steps to breathe fresh life into that "blah" front yard! So whether you tackle this job for your own satisfaction, or to prepare your house for sale, I am sure that your $300 will be money well spent!